COVID19 사태로 인한 재정난으로 파산

홍콩 영화 상영관 체인 UA Cinemas은 공식 홈페이지를 통해 2021년 3월 8일부로 모든 영업을 중단하고 청산 절차를 밟는다고 공지하였다.


紀愛華 (Ira Kaye) 先生於1985年在香港成立了UA戲院,三十六年來,UA陪伴著大家一同成長,走過不同的人生階段,度過了無數光影時刻,成為大家生活的一部份。

UA數十年來一直用心經營戲院業務,致力提供最優質和專業的戲院服務,竭誠地為顧客帶來極致的觀影娛樂。 可惜,由於疫情及長期的經營壓力,UA遺憾地宣佈於即日起 (2021年3月8日) 全線結業,特此向長期支持UA的顧客鄭重致歉。




備註: 為符合法律程序及保障各方利益,UA戲院已啟動清盤程序,個別客戶或合作夥伴如有任何查詢,可致電 3104-1777或 3104-1779。

Goodbye, UA Cinemas!

UA Cinemas has always been committed to providing the highest quality of cinematic entertainment to all audiences in Hong Kong since it was founded in 1985 by Mr. Ira Kaye. However, we regret to announce that UA Cinemas will cease business with immediate effect from 8 March 2021 due to unavoidable and devastating pressure faced by our operations since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

We would like to thank our customers, colleagues and business partners for their support with UA Cinemas over the past 36 years. Thank-you everyone for taking the journey with us.

Remark: To comply with the statute and to protect the interests of all stakeholders, UA Cinemas has commenced winding up proceedings with the Hong Kong court. For any enquiries, please call 3104-1777 or 3104-1779 for assistance.
UA Cinemas 공식 웹사이트의 청산 공지

홍콩의 미국상공회의소 의장으로 활동하기도 한 미국인 Ira Dan Kaye에 의해 1985년에 설립된 UA Cinemas은 코로나19(COVID19) 사태를 이기지 못하고 36년만에 영업을 중단하였다.


Hello nice to meet you. I am Jason Kim who is practicing journalism from Daily Hong Kong, an online news advertisement portal based in Hong Kong.

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